Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's educational...

Boys' Life is up and running and going really well. It's one of those shows that really feeds off the energy of the audience, so when we have good houses (which has been frequently thanks to some glowing reviews!) it's tight and extra hilarious. I'm enjoying watching this one grow and develop. Some of the rehearsals felt extremely long because of the way the script is structured, but it makes for a surprisingly fast paced final product.

I have some down time in between my preshow and house open so just for fun I have been making a list of things I want to do/see in my lifetime. Some are beyond my control and others are far fetched, but they're all things I'd like to see happen. Below is the list thus far. I anticipate it growing quite a bit in the next week.
  • See Pixies in concert
  • Travel to Europe, especially Vatican City (So, Italy) and Ireland
  • Be a Mom
  • Go to a Super Bowl where the Steelers win
  • Go to Disney World (this might happen in January!)
  • Host an awesome dinner party
So there you have it, my silly list as it stands right now.
Well time to head to the Firehouse!

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