Saturday, October 24, 2009

Be strong, get off at the next stop, don't worry about a thing...

Well hello there.
I kept thinking I had updated this much more recently than September. I suppose I was just thinking of everything I had wanted to blog about, and just never got around to it.

Where to begin...
Boys' Life closed. It had a great run! We received some wonderful reviews and had good houses almost every single night of the four week run! It was such a joy to be back at The Firehouse. Carol Piersol is really amazing as an artistic director, not to mention a great person in general!

I can't believe I haven't even mentioned The Bottom Line!!! Even before Boys' Life was finished I began rehearsals for The Bottom Line with The Conciliation Project. TCP is a great organization that many artists I respect are involved with including the fantastic Dr. T. The Bottom Line was a collaboration with The Healing Place and The Daily Planet and it deals with the cycle of addiction. It is a really powerful work and I am so fortunate that I was able to be a part of it. It is so great to be a part of meaningful theatre.

Not being on a main stage for TheatreVCU this semester has meant I have had a lot more free time than at any other point in college. It's nice, but I do miss the crazy schedule at times. With all this time I have been able to see a lot of theatre! I feel that as a theatre professional I should get out and support fellow artists any time I can. I'm making a list of theatres to go see shows at over winter break that I am also applying to for internships in the fall. I think it's going to be a really fun/productive use of my time!

Well I am extremely tired after a full day of theatre, so I'm going to get some sleep!

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