Monday, December 13, 2010

If you've never stared off in the distance, then your life is a shame...

Well.  This is gonna be a semi-doozie of  an update!
1. Mojo is open!!!!  We've now made it through the second week of performances and we're getting some really great press for the show!  It's really turned out well and I'm excited to see it develop over the next two weeks.  We find out if we extend or not this week, so we'll see.  I'm hoping we do so I can have stable-ish theatrical employment for a bit longer!
2.  PHILL IS HERE!!!!  Yaaaaaay!!!  He's currently working at the Signature Theatre on Sunset Boulevard and is loving his job!
3.  Long distance being over is the best thing ever!!
4.  We have a wedding date!!!!!  April 28th, 2012.  It feels really, really far away, but it's what we need to do to be able to pay for it all in a responsible manner.
5. Subbing is going okay.  It's a job and it pays and it's semi-consistant.  What a jobs kind of supposed to be I guess...  Non-SMing jobs are gross.
6. Living at home continues to be interesting.  Overall it's a good experience.  My parents are pretty cool with everything, and I kind of like that they actually get to see what a work week is for me and what my hours are.  My sister is another matter completely, but she's 16 so I'm just going to chock it up to that.  I'm having a weird time with my siblings in general I suppose.  I'm finding that I had assumed that we all have similar relationships to each other, but I kind of realized that they all get along together much better than I do with any of them.  Part of it is they all lived together more when they were all getting past that younger age stage since my brother lived at home until just this year.  They also just have personalities that fit together better.  It makes me a little sad, but it's not terrible.  I know we all love each other and if I needed a kidney or something they would do it in a heartbeat, I just dont think they'd ever be friends with me in some sort of universe where we were just people, not siblings.  Eh.  Not earth shattering, just a thing.
7. Christmas is almost here!!!!!!!!  YAAAAAAY!
8.  My BFF Laura Kim Jr. will be returning home to the USA from her semester abroad next week!  I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!   :-D

Ok, well I need to educate young minds or something like that.

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