Wednesday, March 31, 2010

These are days you will remember...

Today is the last day of March.  Isn't that crazy?  2010 is going by so fast!  Tomorrow is April.  My Grandma also pointed out that tomorrow is the day I can start saying "I graduate next month".  Odd.  

On the theatre front I opened and then closed Global Sexxxism: unwrapped and it went really well.  I had a situation with an ill actor who had to be taken off stage mid performance and replaced with an understudy.  It was quite an experience and a good one to tuck into the back of my head for future reference!  Sometimes I can almost visualize my brain as this giant rolodex of emergency situations with feasible solutions.  Each time I encounter a good stage manager disaster scenario I try to remember as much detail as possible so that if I am ever presented with a similar situation I can troubleshoot as best I can.  

I think that's a skill that isn't talked about enough in SM world.  Troubleshooting is a really valuable thing.  I'm talking about it in regards to everything!  Technology, tricky situations, difficult personalities; problems that arise can be solved even if you dont have a ton of background with the subject as long as you can troubleshoot decently. 

Anyways... Global Sexxxism.  I'm really pleased with how the show turned out!  We had some good houses and great dialogues.  We open Yellow Fever: the internment tonight and I'm pumped to get this show open.  It's a bit more fast paced (for me) so I'm enjoying the challenge. We're performing at a local church and the space is great!  Their technical set up is good for their space, but it has its own special quirks that I'm feeling out.  I am my own board operator and am running sound, lights, and projections.  Only at a few points in the show do I wish I had a third arm.  On the positive side I am developing my left handedness skills and can now do a decent fade with it! 

  Global Sexxxism: unwrapped Company

I have a final round of applications for internships and stuff that are due really soon (as in one is tomorrow) and I've been hitting some of those good ol' motivation roadblocks.  I'm really making an effort to only apply places where I would love to/be able to afford to work.  I don't want to waste anyone's time or energy by applying for a job that ultimately I was "just seeing if I could get it".  I think that's silly and a bad use of time.  
Hopefully I'll get a move on this last batch of things and then be done with it.  

Alright, time to do some work.  
If you need a smile today try this:


1 comment:

Matt James said...

Get your shit done Marley! Let me know when you start hearing back from jobs!