I have returned from Memphis! It was quite an adventure. There were ups and downs of the trip and the conference itself. I liked that there was less crazy hassle than SETC, but I wasn't as thrilled with the execution of the job contact system. I dropped off some resumes, had some interviews, but overall felt a little bummed at the number of companies actually interviewing for SM positions. There were PLENTY of theme parks and outdoor dramas, and although I think that if you love working those, rock on, it's just not my cup of tea. We'll see if anything comes of it. Memphis itself was also not quite what I expected. The convention was a bit farther out from the city than we thought it would be. We did however have some amazing barbecue at Rendezvous, which we were later told by some locals is really touristy, but the BBQ nachos and ribs were fantastic, so it doesn't matter much to me! We also went to the restaurant by the theatre Central BBQ where I had yummy, yummy chicken! If nothing else I had some great times with my friends and we ate great food!

Monday was the first day of rehearsal for The Conciliation Project's Global Sexxxism: unwrapped and I am happy to be working with TCP once again. They have such a wonderful energy to everything they do. We'll be rehearsing this show for 2 weeks, switch over to Yellow Fever: the internment for the next 2, and then go into a rotating rehearsal schedule. It's going to be a busy two months with this process, but I believe that it will be a very rewarding one.
I've blogged about TCP a lot and if you have not taken my hints and checked them out (heck, I even link them for you!) you should. They are really amazing because they actually live out their mission statement with every piece they do. They do no enter into anything half heartedly. They promote social justice and are NOT afraid to get their hands dirty. Check em out!
This Sunday is Valentine's Day. As anyone can pick up from this blog, I love holidays. I think they're pretty awesome. Valentine's day was really bittersweet for me last year. I finally was dating a guy who was on board for the whole mushy love thing - the only problem? He was in Florida and I was in Virginia. This year is the same. It's lame and whatever, but that's not what the day is just about. It's not about flowers, or gifts, or "look at me!!! I have a significant other and you don't!!!!". I hate it when people make the day about that. It's just a celebration of love. I'm going to share a meal with my friends and go to rehearsal. I think that's a great way to spend the day! People I love and the carrear I love. I'm a very lucky person.
I can (and will) send a gift to Phill, but at the end of the day that doesn't really do much. Flowers die and chocolates get eaten and all that other stuff, so it means more just to work through this long distance thing. That's hard to wrap though I guess. :-)
Okay, snow day fun with friends awaits me!
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