You told me so.
You said that I was gonna slack off on blogging towards the end of the year yet again, and yes - you were right.
I'm sorry. Really I am.
Forgive me blogoshpere??? I'll write a recap blog with pictures!!!

Okay, that's overdoing it a bit, but working at The John F. Kennedy Memorial Center for the Performing Arts was was fantastic!!!!! The quality of the events, the professionalism, the resources of The Kennedy Center... it was all wonderful! I learned a lot in such a short amount of time! I worked 8 events in 9 days and each and every one was different enough to keep me on my toes, but there was enough of a pattern that I could establish a comfort level with my work. I couldn't have asked for a better work experience! If this could somehow develop into an opportunity for after graduation... wow. I would be thrilled beyond words. We'll see, they now have a stack of my resumes!
After that was a happy Thanksgiving spent in Pittsburgh with lots of food and family followed by a return to VCU.
Finals went okay and I'm happy with all the grades I received! I was especially pleased with how my final presentation for Business of Non-Profit Theatre went.
Then I had portfolio reviews. It was really the last one that "counted" I suppose. There will be one in the fall, but honestly that's just more of a quick summation of the years spent with TheatreVCU. My review was spectacular! I got some good feedback and all of the panel seemed pleased with how I've spent my time the past 7 months! Yay!
Winter break is going very well! It's really hitting me that it is my "last break", or at least the last one in the foreseeable future, so I'm taking full advantage of it! I spent a week in Pittsburgh dog sitting for my uncle while he was in the hospital.
Sully and I got along very well and I got to spend a ton of time with my family! I realized how much fun it would be to live there with so much family in one place, so Pittsburgh job postings will always be on my radar, just in case! FYI my mom has over 40 first cousins, so I have many, many second cousins, several of whom are around my age and it made the visit extra fun to be able to hang out with some of them.
Then it was back to Chantilly just in time for The Blizzard of 2009!!! My parents' house got over 22" of snow!! It was amazing! I loved it so much! I haven't been in a storm that big in years!
After the lovely snowstorm we dug ourselves out and went to Ohio for Christmas!!!! I love my family so much! Christmas was great in Ohio and I got a really super awesome (dorky) gift:
Ah hem.
Then back to Pittsburgh for more Christmas and more family!!!
Then home to Chantilly where Phill was waiting for me after a 14 hour drive from Orlando!!!
We've been together for an entire week and a half!!! Yay!!
We celebrated my birthday in Richmond and it was really nice then I drove back to Orlando with Phill and that's where I am until Monday night!!!
My Florida trip will get another post because it's been packed, but it's been fabulous!!!!!!!!
So with that, happy 2010!!!

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