Monday, February 28, 2011

Feeling pretty psyched...

Closed Fuddy Meers last night!  As always learned a lot, shook off some things, taking other things with me to the next show and beyond.

I visited Richmond last week and was able to see a bunch of really awesome people!  Had some great talks with Laura and as always I was reminded why she is my bestest friend ever in life.  I saw some professors and classmates and it was really pleasant.  It was very amusing to see just how quickly you can be forgotten.  There were professors who had no idea who I was (obviously not those who I worked with frequently) and  students who took a few minutes to realize I was visiting, not there because I still attend classes!  I went for coffee with Laura and Dr. T and that was lovely!  I spoke with T about my long term plans and her encouragement and affirmation brightened my outlook on... well, everything!
Seeing the "baby" stage managers and talking with them about their current college experiences reminded me of how much I love what Amy called a "mentoring high" when you become happy when you help someone talk through their problems or journeys.  It really makes the idea of getting my MFA (in the future, not now.  Future.  Sorry mom) and teaching/mentoring at the college level very appealing.

I have several side projects going at the moment because apparently since I no longer have homework I have a need to replace that with lots of stuff.  They include: Laura's graduation present, Phill and my submission for the Washington Post's Peep diorama competition, starting on my counting sheets for the summer (I learned my lesson about procrastinating on those in undergrad), overhauling my resume, and getting this whole wedding planned and the like.  And then I wonder why I'm frequently tired.

In really awesome news: I'm pleased to say that I will be returning to the Heritage Theatre Festival this summer!  This time around it will be Production Stage Management: the Musical! as I am working on My Fair Lady (fate you are so funny, ya know that?) and She Loves Me.  I'm really excited about this!  Already working on my counting sheets and other than the fact that Rain in Spain is already stuck in my head, it's going smoothly!  I figured I'd start with MFL since I have that in my brain already then move on to the more challenging task of counting out a show I'm completely unfamiliar with.  I'm thinking of listening to the soundtrack on the Road Trip of Awesome tomorrow and making Phill listen to it too is okay because HE'S GOING TO BE AT HERITAGE TOO!  Huzzah!!!!!
Yes, you read that correctly, the Stage Right Union shall be reunited once again and on MFL... once again.  How awesome is that you ask?  I'll tell you: really freakin' awesome!
I'm excited to show him all the great things about Heritage and Charlottesville (yummm, dumplings) and work together again!

I have a huge to-do list for today, so I need to get working on that!

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