Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's getting faster, moving faster now, it's getting out of hand...

Okay.  It's been a while since I've blogged which was for several reasons.  The past few weeks have been a crazy series of ups and downs.  So much has gone on in my life, yet at the moment as I sit in my childhood/now current home, I feel as though I have made little progress on things since I was 18.

My amazing grandfather passed away the last week in July.  That's been really rough.  I was able to go up and be with my family for a few days so that was a blessing.  The viewings and funeral and reception were all beautiful and filled with love and happy memories which, if something terrible has to happen makes it bearable at least.
So many people came through the viewings and attended the service that I was a little overwhelmed with the amazing kindness and good thoughts.  My grandfather was one of the kindest individuals I have ever come into contact with.  He was a loving and nice man.  He and my grandmother devoted the past 30 years of their lives to the founding and growth of The Emmaus Community, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping individuals with special needs and their families.  Employees past and present, friends from years and years ago, church friends, former students, neighbors, family members... so many different people came to celebrate Pop pop's life.  Even the babysitter my mom and her siblings hated from the 70's came.  It was really a huge turnout.

It really helped to confirm the direction I am taking with my life.
I've been having a small doubting of myself and how I work this summer.  In May I read an article somebody posted that essentially said being described as being "nice" is one of the most boring things that could ever be said about a person.  Well, that tends to be an adjective people use in regards to me.  Nice or positive or patient.  I'm extremely flattered by that, but as of late I've been afraid that it's hindering me in the professional world.  So many of the stage managers I've been meeting are of the bi---hy variety.  They are blunt and unenthused and they get hired because they don't let people push them around or get away with anything.  I've been spazzing out a little since I have no current jobs lined up and thinking that it could very well be that I'm nice and simple and smiley.

But you know what?  My grandfather was nice.  He was really, really nice.  And several hundred people  came out to remember him because they liked him.

I think I'll keep on being nice.

Eh, so I didn't get an internship I wanted and do not have anything lined up right now.  I'm doing things in a manner that I can be proud of.  I'm not going to regret being myself.

In one of the up-est ups of my summer Phill has been hired at the DC Shakespeare Theatre Company and will be moving to DC in November!  That makes me one happy camper!!


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