Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'd take you where nobody knows you, and nobody gives a damn...

I am officially an employee of Fairfax County Public Schools.  Woot.  Third generation Monk to work for FCPS.  I had substitue teacher training yesterday and it was long and not all that exciting, but I made it through just fine and can now subsitiute teach!
Things I learned in training:
-You're not allowed to terrify kindergardeners
-You cannot talk on your phone in the middle of class
-Being asked out on a date is not harassment
-If a fire alarm goes off you should get the kids out of the class, not run out by yourself and leave them

So all in all it was pretty simple stuff, nice and pain free.
First civillian job (other than babysitting) in a loooooooooong time.  We'll see how this goes!


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