Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Closing time...

Graduation is on Friday.  
Wait, what?
The past few weeks have just flown by.  There were finals which were okay and portfolio review which went well and the DC Technicians Cattle Call which we'll wait and see and I went to the wedding of two high school friends.  
Oh yeah, and PHILL IS HERE!!!  He's been here for THREE WEEKS and people keep asking if we're sick of each other yet.  Nope.  I love him so much.  Having him here for graduation means the world to me!  
I'm trying really hard to organize everything in my head into a flow of information that makes sense, but I feel I'm not going to reach that goal. My apologies in advance.  
Let's see...
  • Lame things first to get it out of my system.  The numero uno internship in the World O' Marley looks likes it's a thumbs down.  It's kind of past the point of where a yes was plausible, but I guess that it aint over until the curtain falls, so who knows.  Yeah I'm bummed about it, but everything (everything, everything, everything) happens for a reason, so I'm just going to keep on being myself and smiling.  
  • My little sister was the prom queen on Saturday!!!  I think that's pretty darn cool.  Her boyfriend was prom king too, so it was a really nice evening for them! 
  • I made dean's list.  Woot. 
  • Phill and I saw the movie Babies on Sunday!  It was so adorable!!!  It's so nice to see a happy film!  It was simple and joyous!  Go see it, especially if you need a pick me up.
  • I need to pack and clean my apartment.  Like this week.  Yeaaaaaaah.  I should really get a move on that...
  • TCP is going to Scotland next summer.  I really, really want to go.  I need to start buying lottery tickets or win a game show.  
  • Have I mentioned how utterly ecstatic I am that Phill is here?  I am.  I am so ridiculously happy.  This only makes things harder when he leaves though.  I am getting extremely used to seeing him every day.  Anyone anywhere need a SM and a wardrobe sup???  Just being in the same city, heck even the same state, would be really swell.  I suppose we'll see what autumn brings.  
Well I'm off to spend more time with Phill.  :-D 

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