Well my somewhat restful and very uneventful break between school and Heritage is just about done. I start next week at the theatre.
I'm really happy to be getting down to work. I enjoy some lazy time same as everyone else, but I also love to be busy and have a project.
I'm hoping that this job is going to go smoothly and I'm going to be competent. I'm slightly nervous that my directors are going to see me, laugh, and then ask where the hidden camera is. Fortunately I have been building up what Phill refers to as my "professional boss lady" wardrobe. It actually does make me look older, or at least like I give a damn and am here to work (which I do, and I am). Icing on the cake of Heritage - I think I get my own room. Fingers crossed that this holds true!!!!
People continually mention how this time next year I will be out of school. That's a hard thing to digest. Less than a year? I feel as though that's too long and yet nowhere near enough time all at once. This time is all just flying by. Moment by moment out the door. It's good though. It makes you work harder, makes you stop and evaluate. If nothing else it makes me appreciate the good, deal with the bad, and ignore the ugly.
Life is far too short to be unpleasant.
On a sports related note: The Pittsburgh Penguins are in the Stanley Cup Final!!! It's a tied series 2 - 2. I for one would LOVE it if the City of Champions housed both the Lombardy Trophy and the Cup this year. That would be just lovely in fact!
Well I suppose I should take advantage of these nights where I can get a full night's sleep. I sure as heck wont be getting them soon!
Harga Xiaomi Redmi 6A Murah
5 years ago
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