Well I was sure a slacker in the blogging department lately... whoops.
Brief recap of my life for the past 2 months:
-Loved spring break!!!!!!!
-Didn't love some lame people who are lame here in Richmond. That is all I shall say on that matter.
-Got a Twitter (hence lack of blogging)
-Officially signed on to do Boy's Life next fall at the Firehouse Theatre Project!!!!!!
-Was offered and turned down the senior showcase for next year.
-Got a School of the Arts dean's scholarship for next year! :-)
-Rehearsed, opened, and closed my one-act for undergrad directing. Good riddance!
-And today I completed the final class of my junior year of college! After I get through finals I am a senior! Terrifying!!!!!!
Yeah. So that's been pretty much it. I've had a lot of stuff in the past 2 months. Some good, some not as good. As Dr. T says though "it's all a part of the journey" and I'm trying very hard to keep that in mind.
Phill's going to be here Friday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can hardly wait!!!!!!!!
Well I'll do my best to be a better blogger! Promise!
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