Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Yes, odd but true.  Working on A Tuna Christmas has it so I have Christmas music stuck in my head in the middle of June!

Heritage is off to a great start!  I'm really enjoying working with this director and cast.  Barefoot in the Park starts rehearsals on Monday so then things get a bit more hectic, but in the best way possible.

The past few days were not so super as there was a storm that knocked out power for 25 hours straight in the apartment and on and off in the theatre.  It was really obnoxious to deal with, especially since I didn't have a car to get to any sort of store for candles or a flashlight bigger than my mini maglight.

Trying to deal with long distance this summer is an ever bigger pain in the butt than usual.  Phill has no cell service in the town he's staying in.
Someday I would really like to be able to just call up Phill and then meet up someplace to hang out.  That would be pretty nice.

Mike was in town tonight, so that was really great!  This year is like last where the shows I'm working on don't really have anyone in my peer group, so there's a definite lack of socialization in my life.  A visit from Mike was well timed and cheered me up!  

Okay.  I'm going to enjoy my (little bit of) time off!

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